Function matchesState

  • Returns whether the childStateId is a substate of the parentStateId. If the current state is { a: { b: "c" } }, the following all "match":

    • "a"
    • "a.b"
    • "a.b.c"
    • ["a"]
    • ["a", "b"]
    • ["a", "b", "c"]
    • { a: "b" }
    • { a: { b: "c" } }


    • parentStateId: string | string[] | {
          [key: string]: components["schemas"]["StateValue"] | undefined;

      object, array of strings, or string representing the parent state id

    • childStateId: string | {
          [key: string]: components["schemas"]["StateValue"] | undefined;

      object, or string representing the child state id

    Returns boolean

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